Monday, September 13, 2010

My Life In Books

Yoinking this from the lovely and talented Adam, aka RoofBeamReader:

Basically you just answer the questions with books you read this year!

In high school I was: What I Was (Meg Rosoff)

People might be surprised: If I Were You (L. Ron Hubbard)

I will never be: Where Angels Fear To Tread (Thomas Sneigoski)

My fantasy job is: To Open The Sky (Robert Silverberg)

At the end of a long day I need: Wishful Drinking (Carrie Fisher)

I hate it when: It All Changed in an Instant (various)

Wish I had: Instructions (Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess)

My family reunions are: Dark and Stormy Knights (P.N. Elrod)

At a party you’d find me with: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (J.K. Rowling)

I’ve never been to: Hunt Among The Killers of Men (Gabriel Hunt & David Schow)

A happy day includes: The Kiss Box (Regina Gelfer)

Motto I live by: Fear Strikes Out (Jim Piersall)

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